
3s Preschool

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Caterpillars outdoor fun image

Caterpillars – 3s Preschool

Staff: Jenny Perski, Rachel Gonzalez and Brittany Boeskool

Walking into each new school year, we are devoted to building trust with our little ones. We want them to walk into our classroom each day feeling loved and valued, not only by us but also by the One who created them. While they may be too young to completely understand the majesty and power of Christ, in our class, our goal is to introduce each child to how good God is and how much He loves them.

Throughout the school year, our goals for our students are to learn to begin controlling and naming their emotions, develop a beginning level of social skills, and learn how to make and keep friends. Academically, we want our students to be able to start to identify letters, numbers, and shapes. We hope that after a school year with us, your little one will begin to develop an eagerness to learn, start to take responsibility for their actions and emotions, and realize a deeper understanding of how much they are loved!