
Staff: Melanie Fox and Allison Wainright

Pre-kindergarten provides another opportunity for students to grow and learn before they head off to Kindergarten. Through extensive research and conversing with local Kindergarten teachers, we believe we have a strong handle on what students need to walk in the doors of their kindergarten class next year. Our staff understands the importance of social and emotional skills as well as “self-help” skills. Students will learn how to make and keep friends, handle conflict, and regulate their emotions. On top of that, Pre-kindergarten is designed to guide students in writing their name, identifying letters and numbers, counting, and more! Pre-kindergarten staff uses Creative Curriculum and Zoo Phonics as well.

A Day in the Life of a Child in Pre-Kindergarten

Here’s what your child can expect when they’re a part of our pre-K program:

9:00-9:05am               Welcome and Attendance

9:05-9:15am               Plan

9:15-10:15am            Free Choice

10:15-10:30am           Large Group

10:30-10:45am           Pray/Wash Hands/Snack

10:45-10:55am           Bible Story/Bible Verse

10:55-11:15am           Small Group

11:15-11:45am           Outside/Gym Time

11:45-12:10pm           Math or Literacy Activity

12:10-12:15pm           Review and Pray for lunch

12:15-12:45pm           Wash Hands/Lunch

12:45-1:05pm             Fine Motor Activity or Science Time

1:05-1:15pm               Music and Movement

1:15-1:25pm               Story Time

1:25-1:40pm               Bathroom/Rest Setup

1:40-2:00pm               Rest

2:00-2:30pm               Outside

2:30-2:50pm               Gym Activity

2:50-3:00pm               Wrap Up and Dismissal