Big Adventure Day!

The Center wrapped up the summer with our annual Big Adventure Day! The latchkey worked hard throughout the summer hosting weekly car washes and collecting can donations to help fund their chosen location. This year they divided into two groups; The older group chose Craig’s Cruiser, and the younger age group picked Deer Track Junction. The children are encouraged to tithe a portion of their earnings, and they chose to support a former teacher, Miss Sydnee’s mission trip.

The preschoolers explored Dutch Village where they were able to have a picnic lunch, pet goats, and ride on an amusement park swing and a carousel. The Lord blessed us with beautiful weather, safety, and wonderful summer memories! We are currently in the process of transitioning from our summer program into the fall program. As always, we covet your prayers and support as we prepare for this transition! We strive each day to pour God’s unconditional love into each child and family that walks through our doors.

In Him,
The Learning Center Staff

Craigs cruisers selfie pic

Sweet dreams and adventures pic

OrchardHill petting sheep pic

Goofy girls at Orchard Hill pic